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inSUBordination - Wag the Dog

Politics - Uncover the truth behind the news. "When the emperor has no clothes, you have to have the presence of mind and the courage to stand up and say, 'The emperor has no clothes'.”

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sarah Palin and the Bush doctrine - or - why the US is doomed

Even Sarah Palin doesn't know what the Busch doctrine is. Well who cares. I bet most republicans and bush voters don't know what the Busch doctrine is. I'm pretty damn sure that even George bush himself doesn't know. They don't know and they just don't care. Preemptive war or preventive who knows the difference, and who cares for the difference. All that the bushmen know is that they have got the military muscle and thus they can do whatever they like. And the bushman will continue to vote for the ignorants which preach nothing but hate and fear and which are determined to bring mayhem to the world, without blinking.Due to the Bush doctrine the US itself became more of a threat to the world than the world is for the US.
Politics behind the scenes