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inSUBordination - Wag the Dog

Politics - Uncover the truth behind the news. "When the emperor has no clothes, you have to have the presence of mind and the courage to stand up and say, 'The emperor has no clothes'.”

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Developping countries and Kapitalists are the beneficiearies of Gobalization and workers of developed countries the loosers.

To benefit from Globalization you have to focus the relvant economic recources in your hand. In the developping countries globalization creates jobs thereby increasing the gross domestric product ultimately increasing wealth and economic growth in these countries. If the gouvenemt of the developping country is smart enough this will also lead to an increase in know-how. This know-how can and will be used by the developing countries to increase their inductrieal production on their own thereby destroing production in the highly developed countries. This is the ulimate cause for the shift of economic growth towards developping countries like China as we can see it today. The only beneficiaries of the highly developped countries are the capitalists and investors who can invest their money in the developping countries thereby participating in economic growth of the developping countries. At the moment the liberal economic foreign-politics mostily favours the provits of the capitalists.


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